An hour of acupuncture on a massage table treating frontal and posterior acupuncture points while laying on a heated Biomat.
Two acupuncture treatments with consultation per month to maintain health and well-being on the Biomat with heat lamp.
One acupuncture session, cupping with one homeopathic, vitamin or mineral injection bundle and health consultation with the physician.
Four acupuncture sessions per month with one homeopathic, mineral or vitamin injection bundle, cupping and one custom herbal formula. This package is automatically renewed per month to obtain optimal wellness.
Thirty minutes of acupuncture in a reclining chair treating frontal acupuncture points only.
Two acupuncture sessions per month to maintain health and well-being while listening to calming music to relax the whole body.
Two acupuncture sessions together in one month for each patient in a reclining vibrational chair with your own personal aromatherapy spray or herbal formula to take home.
Four acupuncture sessions per month with one homeopathic, mineral or vitamin injection bundle and a custom herbal formula. This package is automatically renewed per month to obtain optimal wellness.
Click on images for additional information on single or combination injections.
Two combinations injections per month based on the patient's health consultation. This package is automatically renewed per month to obtain optimal wellness.
Prices subject to change.
Interested in any of or services or curious which may be right for you? Give us a call now to determine your best treatment option and how we can help you!
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